Many people think my Mother is a great woman but things aren't as they appear. She's done a lot over my lifetime to make me cut ties with her and Even in the end I will have nothing to do with her.

   Shes made false accusations and claims against people including myself. She is a user and a child abuser and while I didn't want certain things on my childhood being public I must now do everything in my power to make sure history doesn't repeat and my son Ryder Dallas is safe. 
   I cut ties with My biological Mother before I joined the Army . When she went through her divorce with Todd Oberley I felt bad for her so I did my best to protect her. I had no idea the claims she made on Todd we're all false but at the end of the day I did what I thought was right and helped her with legal fees and what not which drained alot of my Army income at the time and left me with very little. She had told me Todd was involved with child pornography and other similar things. She took his Tablet which she said had it on it and I turned it over to have anything recovered that could be and there was nothing. As my mom was loosing the court battle she wanted me to falsify claims of sexual abuse at Todd's hand and told me of a financial gain. She had already started doing other things that had me questioning things and I didn't make any of those claimed she wanted so she and I's relationship began to deteriorate once more...
   Later on when I was still living with her and helping her keep her house she had taken several firearms and things from me. So when she was out of the house I looked through the house and I found an apology card stating why they were going through what lead to the divorce. Todd's always been a kind sentimental like person and I do firmly believe the card was both genuine and honest... This past year I made my apology to my Todd for combating him like I did and helping my Mother. I told him I'd gladly help him seek defamation but he stated it wasn't worth his time and my Mother would more or less burn her own bridges... I can respect him wanting to let it go and in all honesty he's a better man than I am. While there's a large part of me that wants to right wrongs I know my intention is fighting for my justice and safety of my son...


Recently I found out due to my mothers friend Bob lothamer posting on my facebook that she’s spreading rumors involving my son and I’s relationship. Bob had gotten on my page saying I’d had abandoned my son stepson and family… Truth is no where close to that. My ex and I weren’t meant and I haven’t seen my Son since June 16th yes but that hasn’t been my choice. I literally just handed my lawyer another 750 on Tuesday when I was paid and have been living on jack shit busting my ass fighting…
If I could see my son right now I would drop everything my job everything.
I havent been the only one who’s made sacrifices tho with fighting for my Son. My Ex Mother in law and the exes stepfather have made a lot of sacrifices for me and have supported me in my fight for my son. Without them I wouldn’t be as close to a resolution as I am today. When my health declined and everything bad happened they were there…
My ex mother in law Wendy and Her Husband Cecil have been better to me than really anyone has in my life…
There’s things that went on in my childhood that were very wrong. Legally speaking I’m not at liberty to talk on it publicly yet as I intend on taking legal action against my biological mother. I have many faults and I’ve made many horrible mistakes and one might say I have no room to point fingers there’s just a lot that hasn’t been talked of and one day some of you will see why a lot in my life has played out like it has…
Many of you think she’s good at taking care of the elderly however it was due to mistreatment that my cousin Amanda is not allowed with mom like she once was. There’s a few other cases I just can’t talk about them out of respect to a few families wishes. My mother helps people if there’s something to gain.
My biological Mother had me on disability as a kid and I do intend to have her prosecuted for Social Security Fraud. She knows very well that I wasn’t disabled I mean for fucks sake I served in the United States Army. I’ve never taken a government check of any type since I’ve moved out. I had myself removed from social security because she wanted control of my money and I knew I couldn’t live off of 900 a month….

Above is a photo of my Adopted Cousin Tristan Shoup... My Sisters Boy (Katie and Troy Shoup)


My Mother and her parents Norbert and Clara Sarrazine not only helped Tristan avoid criminal charges just before he joined the Army (the reason he joined) but they have helped him cover up Him being a child predator which has come at my expense. 
   In an aim to take the eye of Tristan's child porn charges and him being a predator they started a rumor saying I was Dishonorably discharged from the Army. The did this because Tristan was a sex offender on the Army's time and was charged and dishonorablly discharged... 

   I retired from the Army much sooner than planned. Depression from the many years of child abuse and drinking to ease the pain had led me down hill. I set out to get help so I could once again have my life back together and I was Honorably Discharged following. My Mother still has all of my Army stuff I have nothing... I didn't even get my discharge papers because I was in treatment for being suicidal... She knew the status of my discharge and up until recently I had nothing to prove I had been honorably discharged so she really put a hurt in my military image...

I always thought the world of Katie and Troy but what kind of person lets their son live with them after being charged like that. I always thought Troy was a badass that would beat a childmolester not let one move in with him right next to a school play ground....


Tristan's page is availiable on the Allen county sex offenders registry and you can see the house is owned by his parents and he's right next to a school playground like I said....

My discharge papers with confidential info removed 

  Being that I opened an active case against my Mother I can't go into full details on child abuse. I've been working with a team of therapists over these last years and I'm ready to finally seek justice mainly to keep my son Ryder Dallas safe. While I'd rather not relive things of the past I must do what's right to keep him safe. 
   My Mother has some real Psychological issues and is very delusional. Often she thought I did things I didn't and I was severely beaten by the whip she called the rod of wisdom. She claimed it didn't leave marks but you get hit by anything 100 times in a row the swelling and pain are bad. I stopped getting beaten at around 11 and that's when a lot of issues for me began I was big enough to fight for myself and I did...

  In all honesty people are gonna be like why did you still go around your mom... While I haven't seen her in over 4 years before I just wanted to have a family and a relationship I didn't want to be alone... Now that I am alone with no real family outside my son it's important to me that she remains cut off so she has a feeling what it's like. Dying alone is a start at justice for me may she live to be 100... I want her years to be many with the slow cold reality and fact that I'm not coming back.

   I have a lot of good people in my life and a hell of a reason to live and give my son the world I never dreamed of. I love my son more than anything... It's sad because in my eyes  through the abuse a lot of me has died it's the reason why for along time I made the poor choices I did. 
   While Rodeo would save my life it was my Son Ryder Dallas and My restored faith in Christ that made life bareable again. I will do everything in my power to both live and fight for my son and protect him from bad people like my mother. I want him to never have the pain I live with to this day...

While I'm doing my best to save most of it for court and the book I'm writing I will say one thing. I look at the child I was and I look at my son and I don't understand how my biological Mother and cer

After reading I ask that you help me hold my Mother Susan M Sarrazine accountable. You can help me by making calls to 2604937652 or writing her at 18404 Lincoln Hwy E Monroeville Indiana 46773....

I must ask that you do nothing illegal and I must ask that you ask for my Military stuff back (The Blues Awards and gear) and my personal belongings she has taken from me. It's my hopes she gets tired of the calls and does the right thing...

   As for any legal team that may read this in hopes of perusing legal action on me I look forward to seeing you in court so I can finally get my justice. 
  I have began taking legal action and I'm beginning to work with the prosecutors office and Allen County Detectives...