Justin Dallas
Justin Dallas Approximately 4 years old
Justin Dallas 27 and Son Ryder Dallas 1
Hi, my names Justin Dallas and this is my official website. I am 27 years old and I'm a former U.S. Army Veteran 2015 - 2022 89b, 89d. I went to school at Texas A&M where I obtained both My Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Engineering and
Associate degree in Agriscience. I also obtained my degree in human psychology with Purdue. Whenever I've had an opportunity to learn I've always taken that opportunity. More recently I was very lucky to have the chance to once again continue my studies this time in Equine. I decided I would attend The Troy Price Horseshoeing School where. I don't just intend on becoming a Farrier my goal is to focus mainly on severe neglect cases and work mainly in Hoof Restoration.
Recently I've also had the opportunity to work with my good friend Lauriston Crockett III and secure a certificate in Geldings and a Certificate Qualifying as anEquine Performance Peptides Specialist...
There's a lot more to me than what meets the eye. I'm more than The Cowboy - Bull Rider the world sees me as. I'm a proud Father to my son "Ryder Dallas" I'm an entrepreneur and business owner (AAA Monument Restoration) There's much so more I could list...
My website is Just getting Started so be sure to check us out often as we will be growing a lot and 2025 is set to be our biggest year as a brand.
Justin Dallas U.S. Army
Justin Dallas Official U.S. Army Photo