Fighting For Ryder Dallas
As of now it's been since June 16th since I've seen my son Ryder Dallas. Olivia Brooke Platt of Huntington Indiana has been holding me from seeing my son.

All I can say is anyone who would knowingly deny their child a loving parent being in their child's life is pure evil. When you're at war you never give the enemy anything they can use. Rest assured I am fighting for my Son and I won't give up. I know what it's like to wonder why my father wasn't there. I will never let my Son go through the pain I went through as a kid...

"Ryder Dallas" and I

I may have missed your Birthday but that didn't stop your Moms Stepfather and I from making a drive to pick you up a late 1800's Carousel Horse. I've picked you up so many things when I'm on the Road I'm always picking up stuff for you... I know you won't remember this short time apart but I live with it everyday... Just know I love you more than anything in this world my Son.